I'm sorry I haven't been keeping updated these last couple weeks. Towards the end of last week, my house lost internet. It's kind of a long story, but the short story is that AT&T gave our phone number to another house and we were without internet till early this week when we got Comcast. Anyways, I am now catching up on all my work and will now catch you up with my student teaching experience.
Besides my normal classes, I've observed several other teachers. I loved the physics teacher. He was very theatrical with his experiment the other day. He dressed up as Galileo and the class recreated his experiments of dropping objects of different mass from the Tower of Pisa. Each student had a roll to play as they "traveled back in the 'way-way-back machine.'" To replace the tower, they used the second story of the administration building. There was actually a dent in the ground from the many years of conducting this experiment with a bowling ball.
I thoroughly enjoyed the AP US history class yesterday. He kept the kids engaged the whole time, myself included. The end of the period came as a surprise. He put the material into words that related to the students.
I've visited other classes as well, but those two seemed like the highlight of the last two weeks. I think they stuck in my mind, because they were both very engaging. That is a quality I want to have as a teacher.
I've been doing more and more teaching every day with the rest of the classes. I now know all of the names of the students in the CHS band. I'm still struggling with names in the rest of my classes. We did talk about what two classes I will be taking over for next semester. I will be teaching both CJHS bands for my Practicum II.
One last piece of news for you all: Chico Unified Teacher's Association (CUTA), the teacher's union for Chico Unified, are really close to going on strike. It's kind of scary, because if they go on strike for 5 days or more, then all of the student teachers will be reassigned CTs. I'm really enjoying my position with Todd and really don't want to be reassigned. I hope this gets resolved before too soon.
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